6 Things Educators Need to Know for Schools Re-opening amid COVID-19

Reading Time: 4 minutes

With the unlock phase, Schools are set to re-open after months of lockdown. However, the risk has not averted 100% and precautionary measures are a necessity.

According to the news on India.com on Thursday, as many as five lakh students took the Pre-University Certificate board examinations in Karnataka, rekindling hopes that educational institutes may resume operations sooner or later — when all precautions are in place. This is just one example, there many more students whose career is dependent on this school resuming.

Amid this delay in school reopening, institutes are also instructed to regulate virtual classrooms to fill the learning gap that occurred during the lockdown.

The upcoming session won’t be the same as it used to be. It will be peculiar for teachers as well as students. There will be a few measures that both have to take. Here we are discussing the six major things that educators must consider before the school reopening.

Bring Remote Learning & Online Student Management

Considering the main precaution to save yourself from CORONA spread, social distancing, remote learning has become extremely important. Institutions that were equipped with the latest technology such as Online School Management System and Learning Management System, could continue their school curriculum.

Academia School Management System has helped many institutions to regulate their day to day tasks, distribute home assignments via employee portal and student portal/ app respectively. Online Institute Management Solutions helps the institute to maintain the continuity remotely. Educators need to find a way to reopen the schools in between full in-person to fully remote, and digital transformation of school management is one such solution.

Keep social distancing in the classrooms

There is no wonder that it’ll be difficult to maintain a social distancing concept among children. Schools are meant to engage students to bring social etiquettes and personality development along with academics. But it has changed now.

Now schools are also responsible for the protection of our children. Therefore they have to take proper action to implement basic precautionary measures in school while maintaining a stable environment for students.

Schools in other countries which have restarted the school have established the social distancing in sitting arrangement in classrooms, break rooms, etc. The administration is instructed to pause the assembly and sports activities until further notice.

Do Regular Sanitisation in School

The time has changed. Previous cleaning methods won’t be enough for the school. The administration will need to bring routine sanitization and disinfection for every corner of the schools.

Here are the advisable processes to look for routine cleaning during the COVID-19 school reopening.

  • Face shield
  • Door, doorknobs, and handles
  • Stair rails
  • Classroom desks and chairs
  • Lunchroom tables and chairs
  • Handrails
  • Light switches
  • Handles on equipment (e.g., athletic equipment)
  • Push-buttons on vending machines and elevators
  • Shared toys
  • Shared remote controls
  • Shared telephones
  • Shared desktops
  • Shared computer keyboards and mice
  • Bus seats and handrails

Keep Thermal Screener At the Entrance

A thermal scanner is a device that measures the temperature of a person while maintaining social distancing. As it is known that individuals with high body temperature are prone to CORONA infection or they already have come to grips with it.

Many institutes which have started in-person office working have installed either thermal scanner cameras or simple manual scanners that read the temperature of the person in front of it. Schools can also do the same. As in schools, there are always transaction people in and out, therefore, it becomes crucial for them to take every possible measure to save children and staff.

Aware Students with Current Scenario

Awareness is the key to handle this pandemic with rationality. Thanks to the internet and global connectivity, it is not difficult to get the information you need. But it is vital to get the correct data with credible sources. Many entertainment companies are making documentaries related to CORONA and how to handle this pandemic. To bring awareness in schools, teachers can add activity of showing these documentaries to children just to make sure that students are updated with the crucial information.

It will not only minimize the pressure of teachers but also will help students to become independent and take care of themselves.

Maintain Positive Environment for Students

After the lockdown and with the learning gap it will be difficult for students to cope up with the new environment. Wherever in the world, when students come back to school, they will need emotional support and a positive environment to get their life back on track. Hence the teacher, the school superintendent will have to be vigilant of the student’s mental situation and provide the needful support to them and their families.

Recently the Brown Center on education policy hosted a webinar that addressed how schools in the US should approach questions revolving around school reopening amidst the CORONA pandemic. Check here to know more.


The CORONA pandemic hit all of us. We can’t stay in lockdown forever, things need to move, and there is only one solution. Fight Against It. With the help of education technology and continuous collaboration, we can get back to normal once again.

Academia SMS is benefiting many schools and other educational institutions during this pandemic. Talk to us to know how it can help your institution too. Book a free session now!

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