7 Best Tips for Successful Implementation of School ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you are aware of how to use any technology, then it can benefits manifold; however, if you don’t know how to use it properly, then it can bring chaos and failure. School management software is a technology that helps to deliver productivity, efficiency, and revenue in school administration. Still, due to the lack of proper implementation, many schools fail to see the real result and end up wasting their time and money. They jump from one software to another but goes through all the complications all over again. That not only bring inconvenience for school management but also shake the confidence in education technology.

In this article, you will 7 tips that will help you how to implement a school management system effectively.

1. Prepare your staff

In today’s’ digital era, it has become essential for the staff of any organization must have the basic knowledge of computers and its operation. Before switching to the digital transformation of your institution, prepare a team of staff, teachers, and parents who have excellent computer skills. Most of the school uses only IT guys to manage their School ERP implementation, which is not a smart way to transform school administration digitally. As most of the work will be done by teachers, admin staff, parents, and students will also use the software. Therefore, your decision-making team must be composed of keeping all the benefiting pillars of your school.

2. Do market research

If you search the market, there are lots of Education ERP providers. All of them come with multiple features, various modules, and promises smart digital administrations. Here comes the benefit of your team. As your team is composed of different types of users, they will understand what they need and if a particular software capable of meeting all their needs. Market research is vital before choosing School ERP.

3. Take free demonstration more than once

This step basically comes under market research. Many ERP vendors provide free demo sessions to get you a fundamental understanding of what their software can do and how it will benefit your school. Some of them also offer 2nd level and 3rd level demonstration as per your convenience to get an in-depth knowledge of the product. And this is the best step to know the software and its functionalities. After the 3rd (or more) demonstration, you’ll have a clear understanding of the software if it is capable of meeting the requirements of your school and its stakeholders or not.

Take a free demo now from experts of Academia School Management System, if it offers your school what it needs.

4. Always check the case studies and reference of other schools

After the demo, it’s imperative to check with the current customers of the ERP vendors. Most of them provide case-studies, success stories, and recommendation letters on their website. You can read them to know how this School Management Software is benefiting these institutions. You can also send your pre-formed team to other institutions to check the working of software and to understand from the user directly about their experience with the software. This is one of the best ways to know how competent and credible is the vendor.

Check out the recommendation letter by Appl Internation School, Dubai who has been using the software since 2011

5. Keep your priorities clear

This software is a tool that is designed to automate the entire school campus. A school campus can have multiple departments such as admissions, student management, employee management, fee & payments, hostel, transportation, etc. Your school might have more or fewer departments according to your needs. It might be possible that you don’t want to automate hostel management or any other department. If your team is clear with what are their priorities and needs, it will benefit you to make an informed and better decision. It will also save time & money during and after the implementation of the software.

6. Take proper training

As mentioned above, without the knowledge of the appropriate functioning of any technology, it can’t bring the results that you are looking for. Best School ERP providers such as Academia provides thorough training for your staff along with 24*7 customer support to make implementation seamless and successful.

7. Set the budget and ROI target

Having a budget and ROI target helps you to analyze and see the clear picture of the benefits of school ERP implementation. It will be beneficial to have a goal for 3 to 5 years ahead and make your decision accordingly. The software implementation for school management is the one-time investment, but it has the potential to save time and money in the long run.

Know-how education ERP can bring high ROI in your school.


The digital transformation of your institution is not an easy process. Let alone the selection of perfect solutions for your institution is a multifaceted task. But with the use of these seven best tips for successful implementation of school ERP can help you to reach half of the goal.

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