How Higher Education ERP System Drives Positive ROI for Educational Institutions?

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What is that extra factor that you are using in your institute to increase ROI? Have you ever paid attention to ROI improvement? Every institution wants to have more revenue generation but doesn’t know how to do that. An ERP can effectively and efficiently manage all your academic and administrative tasks making everything simple, easy, and flexible, it will also focus on cost-saving – targeting an overall increase in ROI. Let’s discuss how automation of processes through a higher education ERP system in your institution helps improve the ROI of your educational institution, You can also use our – Education ERP ROI Calculation.

How can Higher Education ERP drive positive ROI for your institution?

Academic Activities 

  • Save paper and decrease administrative workloads 

The basic and most important feature of any higher education ERP is to digitize and automate maximum operations in the institution. An ERP can control user onboarding jobs like student admission, library management, teacher onboarding process, and many more to name a few. It provides automation and digitization, saving paper and decreasing administrative workloads and costs leading to increased ROI.

  • Provides excellent time management 

If you ever got a chance to handle and operate a higher education institution, you may have known that manual interventions take so much time along with creating extra expenses in each operation. These tasks take a lot of time, and as a result, your co-workers end up investing less time in educating students. With the help of higher education ERP solutions, one can easily handle all these tasks and save enormous time along with expecting a high return on ROI. 

  • Analytics and report 

Analytics and reports can significantly transform the way of working by enabling new ways for prospecting students when involved in an ERP help in increasing student enrollment, improving student retention and completion rates, along boosting faculty productivity and research. Analytics gives teachers’ performance and higher management along with managing day-to-day operations of any educational institution helping in increasing and better ROI. 

  • Examination and mark-sheet management

The examination is considered as one of the most important tasks in any educational institution, it requires a lot of pre and post preparation having multiple tasks like timetable management, paper execution, providing enrollment number and roll number to students creating exam sheets, checking the exam sheets, declaring results, and many other things. Performing these tasks manually takes lots of time, effort, and a lot of expenses, and a very less return on investment. An ERP can make the examination and mark-sheet management process easy and effective. The complete examination process can be accessed easily and with very little expense targeting high ROI using automation. 

  • Certificate & document management

In an educational institution, there is an abundance of data that needs to be managed properly so that it can be accessed whenever required. Manual interventions of certificates and document management take a lot of time and effort. Using an ERP solution, it will become easy to arrange all the documents and certificates in a system having access with just one click. 

Using the system, it will also become easy to distribute any certificates & documents to students, parents, and faculty through the mobile app or portal leading to fewer expenses in managing the documents and distributing the documents. 

Administrative Activities 

  • Admission management

Admissions are considered as one of the most important tasks for any institution, it includes a variety of tasks, a lot of queries related to classes, courses & programs, form submission, enrollment number allotment, and various other things that include time and unnecessary expenses. A Higher Education ERP works necessary to automate all the processes making it simple, efficient, and user-friendly saving time and unnecessary expenses initiating towards high ROI and growth for the institution. 

  • Fee management 

Managing fee records in an institution is difficult if done manually, there are multiple fee structures, various departments, and n-number of students; it’s an art to keep track of everything and be able to access the exact details whenever required. It also equips a lot of time, lacks flexibility, unnecessary expenses, and less return on investment. 

Meanwhile, all these processes can be handled smoothly if they can be managed using a fee management system and a higher education ERP. It manages all the tasks easily and efficiently providing proper data management and fee transactions. Saving the institute from any type of data breach and money malfunctions focusing on high return on ROI. 

  • Infirmary & Hostel management 

Infirmary and hostel management are also considered important tasks for any educational institution owning and managing a hostel as well. There are a lot of tasks like taking care of meals of the students, managing their infirmary, and regular doctor checkups, and more other tasks that need to be managed properly. Manual intervention of this includes more expenses and time, a higher education ERP provides complete management of this process leading to no or fewer expenses involved along with targeting high Return on Investment. 


Student Engagement 

  • Messaging & notifications 

Communication is one of the strongest assets that directly helps in institutional growth and success. It builds trust and avoids the disposal of improper information. 

A higher education ERP having a proper portal or mobile app clears all sorts of gaps making crystal clear communication between faculties, administrators, and students enhancing the student-faculty collaboration as well. A clear line of communication triggers the right growth and opportunities for the institution leading to high return on investment and profits. 

  • Disciple management 

The educational institution needs to focus the most on the discipline and personal development of students that sometimes goes secondary due to manual process and excessive burden on faculties. A higher education ERP provides complete discipline management, capturing misconduct details, capturing discipline committee details, capturing appeal details, capturing sanction details, and many others that initiates growth opportunities for institutions leaving a direct or indirect impact on ROI. 

How Academia can help you in increasing your ROI?

Academia is one of the best ERP systems, an award-winning ERP system that helps automate and manage the entire campus operations, administration, learning needs, and high return on investment in a very effective way. 

Highlights through which Academia can help you in increasing ROI:

  • Reduced operating expenses 
  • More growth in the same amount of time and growth
  • Reduction in cost of acquisition for new students 
  • Reduced customization cost in each segment i.e, admission, fee, examination, etc. 
  • Reduced hardware costs 

There are many more features that Academia provides that can help you in saving unnecessary costs and expenses focusing on high ROI, profits, growth, and opportunities of an institute. 

Wrapping Up

So, what are you waiting for? High return, growth, and opportunities are not so far for you and your institution. A higher education ERP can bring them all for you easily and effectively. Let’s connect so that you can better understand how an ERP can help you in proper ways. Request your demo now! 

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