How Academia ERP helps overcome the biggest challenges of the UAE education sector?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Technology is rapidly transforming the education sector of the UAE. In this blog, we bring you some biggest challenges of the industry and how technology can help institutes to solve them. 

Challenges faced by the education sector in UAE

  • Manually Managing Admissions

Admissions are one of the most mismanaged phases of an academic year. Almost all education institutes that are managing their admissions traditionally fail at assisting students. They are too involved in minuscule tasks that require human intervention at every step. This causes many institutes not to reach the admission rates that they contemplate or have the potential for. It also causes a big dent in the profitability of an institution. 

Handling admissions manually is a toiling task that is prone to numerous human errors. Given the rising number of students in UAE – education institutes need software solutions that can replace the traditional processes and increase efficiency, speed and results. Also, most institutes go by a hunch or admit students on a first-come, first-serve basis. This increases the chances of seeing students dropping out. What modern education institutes in UAE need are program-specific candidate analysis and admission forecast. 

  • Data Management and Security Vulnerabilities

As technology makes its way into the education industry, it has also come under the target of cyber attacks. The use of legacy software with poor infrastructure gives cracks to the cyber attackers to make a breach and steal students, teachers, and institute data. 

With the increasing number of admissions each year, education institutes need to manage data properly. They need software to replace the bulky files that are very difficult to manage and are prone to destruction. They need a practical solution that, year-on-year, efficiently manages student data. 

  • Financial Management

In one single academic year, an education institute faces bulk payments from hundreds of students on a monthly, annual, and term basis. It becomes difficult for administrators to manage finances manually. Many times, students with unpaid fees go unnoticed. Sometimes there are cases of receipt mismanagement. We can say that manually managing finances is a very difficult task, and education institutes need robust finance management software. 

  • Communication Gaps

Parents are becoming more concerned about their ward’s education. However, their professional commitments make it very difficult for them to stay in contact with teachers and administrators at the institute. 

What they need are apps and portals where they can go anytime and track their ward’s performance and participation in academic and extracurricular activities. An education ERP software is a right fit for any institute that wants to reduce this communication gap as the software collates data from multiple departments to provide reports on attendance, examination, performance, etc. 

How Academia ERP helps in solving these challenges? 

  • Cost-cutting and Labor Reduction

Academia ERP is an efficient, 30+ module app suite that helps in task automation. The product efficiently helps in reducing human intervention and end-to-end automating several tasks in an institute. It helps increase transparency in the operations to make administration easy and provides teachers and non-academic staff with a software solution to do most of their routine operations. This helps reduce the efforts and cost of operations and makes institutes more efficient and profitable. 

  • Decisions Making

In-fused with solutions such as AI, ML, Big Data, Business Intelligence, and more — Academia ERP provides you with predictive analysis and provides quantified data on business operations to make better decisions. 

The product also provides granular reports on student performance, attendance, admissions, results, student risks, etc., to help institutes make better decisions on the student end. Reports such as student performance and attendance are also shared with parents/students to ensure complete transparency between parents/students and teachers. 

  • Data in Real-time

One of the biggest qualities of the software is that of centralizing data. The product can easily be integrated with leading education technologies and serves as a centralized database. This means you have a real-time update on all the operations happening in an institute. Plus, this makes the user experience more unified. The data is no longer in silos. 

  • Go Completely Paperless

If you perform paper-bound operations, you know how much you spend annually on papers and stationery. You can completely eliminate that expense by using Academia ERP. The product is an education ERP app suite that provides end-to-end digitalization of your institute. Every operation can be done digitally; you can manage records digitally and reduce your dependency on papers to near zero. 

  • Omnichannel Communication with Stakeholders

One of the biggest challenges solved by Academia ERP is that of communication. Using Academia ERP, you get a dedicated dashboard to broadcast your messages to all the stakeholders over email, SMS, WhatsApp, Chat, Push Notification, etc. This further reduces your efforts and brings seamlessness in communication. Using the product, you can stay in touch with applicants, students, alumni, parents, and staff. Also, recently there has been a new add-on where you can share multi-media messages as well using the tool.

Wrapping Up 

Education sector in UAE can benefit from the use of technology, especially education ERP solutions. This advanced software are built on modern technology to unify the experience across various software and brings automation to the routine tasks of an institute. They are fit for schools, colleges, and universities. For more information about Academia ERP, connect with our ERP expert here. 

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