Why it is Important to Have an Effective Student Attendance Management System

Reading Time: 3 minutes

It is common in most schools, colleges, and educational institutes to see teachers taking down daily attendance in a hefty register each day. Then at the end of the month, semester, or year, they manually consolidate the attendance data to produce reports. 

Disadvantages of Manually Managing Student Attendance 

Not only is this entire process manually exhaustive but it is also highly inefficient. It is no news for someone in the education domain that the industry is combatting high dropout rates. The more prolifically you manage your attendance more likely you are to identify students at risk and avert the crisis. 

  • It is a time-consuming process
  • It includes a huge amount of paperwork
  • It reduces teaching time and the productivity of the staff
  • It is prone to human errors
  • It is not secure and can easily be manipulated by students

Need for Digitally Managing Student Attendance

More than ever, now that classrooms are going digital one cannot ignore the importance of digitally transforming some of the most routine tasks in an institute. Marking student attendance, tracking it, and consolidating large data to develop attendance reports can easily be done through advanced Student Attendance Management Software. It would help an institute avoid any discrepancies in the data, improve operational efficiency, reduce manual tasks, and help track student attendance day-wise, subject-wise, month-wise, and class-wise efficiently. 

Student Attendance Management Systems 

A student attendance management system helps you eliminate paper-based operations completely from the attendance marking and reporting process. It promotes digital attendance marking and offers solutions for automatically capturing attendance from RFID cards, biometric systems, QR codes, and mobile applications. 

  • Attendance Tracking in Real-Time

With the software-based attendance marking system, you do not have to wait for someone to consolidate the data to provide you a report on the attendance, the system automatically does that and provides you real-time data for improved tracking of leaves, arrivals, departures, lunch-breaks, and more. 

  • Eliminates Proxy Attendance

Students in higher grades and colleges tend to manipulate daily attendance with proxies. Using a biometric or RFID system integrated with attendance management software you can eliminate that concern. Manipulating attendance through these systems would be almost impossible for students and they would have to be physically present in the class. This can be a great tool to improve punctuality and discipline students. 

  • Instant Notification To Parents

Integration of a student attendance management system allows parents to easily track their ward’s attendance. Increased collaboration and communication between teachers and parents can help them fight absenteeism among students. The data can be tracked in real-time over parent login or mobile application. Also, the software would and send out automated emails and messages in case of the student is absent, and this way you can create a more transparent system. 

  • Improved School Security

Using a student attendance management system with biometric integration would help you manage gate passes. Anyone that is not authorized to enter the building would not be able to get past the gate unless they have the credentials. This is a good way to increase the security of the institute. 

Wrapping Up

If you are looking for an attendance management system for your institute you can try Academia. Academia ERP comes with an attendance module that helps you mark attendance digitally and consolidates data in real-time to provide you with day-wise, month-wise, class-wise, and subject-wise attendance reports. You can also integrate the system with Biometric and RFID machines. Furthermore, the product comes with a student and parent mobile app that can be used to mark attendance through a QR code scanner. Contact our ERP expert to learn more. 

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